Research projects

The Destination Study is an annual survey sent to the advisory teachers of the graduating cohort of Big Picture students in Term 4 to: - gain an overview of the cohort’s demography - track student post-school destinations
The success of the Big Picture learning design is demonstrated by its power to attract, retain and engage students, support them to learn through their personal passions, connect them to opportunities to trial their interests in the world outside school, and facilitate their transitions to meanin
Full research report and executive summary - How the Big Picture design for learning improves engagement, fosters inclusion and facilitates transitions for students with disability.
The attached report provides details of a three-year research project designed to evaluate the implementation of the Big Picture Design for Learning at Launceston Big Picture School.
This section contains copies of recent research relevant to Big Picture conducted by parties outside of the organisation.
The core function of Big Picture Education Australia is the transformation of education in response to a rapidly-changing world. Over 65 Big Picture (BP) Learning network schools have been created in the USA since 1995, with many more operating internationally.
The current world dynamic surrounding COVID-19 has resulted in unprecedented changes to our lives. With our schools under lockdown, we were presented with a unique opportunity to examine Learning From Home arrangements for students.
Big Picture Learning has been part of numerous research and evaluation projects since inception. Some of those are listed below.