Exploring the Big Picture Education design in remote and regional communities

In 2013 BPEA produced a flyer about the possibilities of the Big Picture learning design being used in remote and regional communities. We were excited by the ideas but equally cautious about assuming that 'we knew best'. We wanted to be invited to explore these ideas with those in the school and the community because they were also excited. We did not (and do not want to) impose our work on anyone.

Click here to read the flyer we developed to promote conversation.

In a recent e-news we wrote about the work being done at  Brewarrina Central School in NSW. In this e-news we are announcing the work we have begun at Fitzroy Valley District High School in the far north of Western Auastralia. Our work together is just beginning. We know we have to engage for the long haul. We are determined not to be a one-off 'wonder'. We have promised that we will still be working with the school and the community in 2024.

This is the announcement from the school.

Big Picture and Fitzroy Valley District High School

Smoking ceremonyFitzroy Crossing is located beside the flood plain of the Fitzroy River in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The town is located 400 km from Broome in Bunuba country. People from three main language groups live in Fitzroy Crossing: Bunuba, Gooniyandi and Walmajarri. The town is a significant hub of cultural exchange and cooperation.

At Fitzroy Valley we are beginning on the journey of introducing Big Picture to our high school. Our aim is to tap into our students’ interests and values to make the learning at Fitzroy Valley more engaging and meaningful.

Our students are the future leaders of the Bunuba, Gooniyandi and Walmajarri peoples, the Fitzroy Crossing town, the West Kimberley and indeed for the whole of Australia. By making the education experience of the students more engaging and meaningful, they will be able to contribute in building a stronger culture in the Kimberley and beyond.